Sunday, September 29, 2013

God and what we talk about - Ch7 So

This chapter reminds me of Star Trek Voyager: Blink of an Eye where the "Earth Shaker" does not want their existing god to have the fire fruit and therefor build a new alter so their new God may have the fire fruit.

We need someone to communicate our deepest feelings with.

What is our motivation?

I need to research yoga and its ideals.

THe chapter divisions in this book suck. He has unfortunately picked the structure and then tried to cram in the chapters. It works well for the first half of the book but then breaks down in the second half.

So god is bringing us together.

People watching.

While I was reading today from the comforts of Burger King, I was observing people in the dining area. A young couple came in and sat on the same side of table. They stared blankly as they waited for their food. When they got their food they ate quietly, still staring straight ahead. In the one instance I heard the women speak about some plans they still did not look at each other except for a glance.

Then later a family came in that I had seen elsewhere in the past. Previously it was part of a large group and they seemed to function as any other family, polite and proper. Here though, getting food, it became apparent how dysfunctional and passive aggressive they were. Most disturbing of all, was how calmed they all seemed about it. The dysfunctionality has become common they were desensitized from it.

The biggest lie you can tell yourself is that you don't care.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

God and what we talk about - Ch6 Ahead

Moving forward. A to B.

The Plan

God has a plan for all of us. That is something we are often told. Sometimes we ponder that plan, possibly in regard to ourselves and sometimes in regard to someone else.

There are those who believe the world was wonderful back in the day. They spend their lives trying to get back to there. I don't mean to say that some things should not be restored, but we should generally be moving forward. What kind of plan would it be if we were supposed to be undoing everything. Plans go forward and we may all be at a different step. I am still trying to get to B. Unfortunately I left the map in my other life.

Despite some peoples dedication to moving forward it often appears that they are moving backwards. Though I have to say, if there were no protesters, what would motivate us to do anything?

Sunday, September 15, 2013

God and what we talk about - Ch5 For

Hello, my name is Thomas and I am a skeptic.


I try to immerse myself in a religious environment, like I will somehow absorb its message by osmosis. At heart however I am still a skeptic. In reality, I am standing there in a lab coat, I have no idea what it means to be religious.

I'm not sure if there is anything I can do about that. If there is a God, I hope he is FOR us. In the rare circumstances I do pray, I hope he is listening and cares. Despite God loving everybody, I hope I am good anyway.

This chapter took a few turns, I think I will need to revisit it and maybe update this post.