Sunday, November 10, 2013

God and what we talk about

The reverence humming within us. The traditional way to talk about god, are there other ways?

A pastor is expected to talk about god, be inspiring, and tell people how to live their lives under the hand of God. What if that is outdated. Maybe they should be walking through a discussion.

People are gullible. I grew up on the trailing edge of the revolution that is the internet. I was raised to be aware that people do want to take advantage of you, they will deceive you. I am paranoid about physical security and I am paranoid about digital security. I even am paranoid about emotional security. Trust, in both directions, was a recurring theme in my first long term relationship. Even after being together for over a year it would sometimes rear its ugly head. So, to have people try and tell me there is this God thing and I am a sinner, maybe you can understand why I am unsure who the gullible one is. My career is dominated with the mindset of "Trust no one". I still am skeptic about high velocity creating lower pressure, though planes stay in the air so who am I to judge.

"[God] does not play dice" - Albert Einstein

Animals and plants are giant (in terms of atoms) replicating machines. One of our primary functions is to make another one of ourselves. It is a complex process that is not fully understood. Part of that replication adds consciousness, what exactly makes that possible is a mystery. For all we know, quantum state is important to this and our body through evolution has developed the ability to place many quantum components into the correct state.

There is also a lot of weird stuff that happens in the world. A lot of coincidences. No one can explain them all.

God is the sum of the unknown. It is what is left over after we explain everything we can.

I am still waiting for my eyes to open, waiting to see how God makes is important in my life.

God is the connection in us, between us.

I guess my biggest issue is not whether there is a God. It is whether God is how the people of the world describe him (Which this book somewhat is not about, yet it is because it is what we talk about).

God is a convenient theory, if there is no God then it doesn't matter. If there might be a God, you may as well mind your P's and Q's.

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